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Prayer of Thanksgiving, Intercession, and Petition

Writer's picture: Rev. Adam GormanRev. Adam Gorman
Shared during Sunday Worship on January 26, 2024.

Heavenly Father as we thank you for food, we remember the hungry.  As we thank you for our health, we remember the sick.  Lord, we thank you for our friends, and so we remember those who are friendless.  Lord, we thank you for our freedoms and therefore remember those who are enslaved.  Hear us, Lord, as we pray to you silently for the little things and for the big things that we are grateful for in our lives:

Lord, may those who lead the nations of the world be given wisdom and insight, caring hearts, kind words and actions.  We pray for all people living in places where there is war or famine, where there is flooding or there are fires or any other tragedy.   Bring them peace, comfort them, and strengthen them.  We pray for all who mourn this day, as we whisper their names in the silence, asking you that they may feel your care for them.  


Almighty God, we pray for our families and friends.  May we be able to help each other just as you love and help us.  We pray for ourselves – for all that we will do this day and this week, and for all those who we will meet.  Loving God, we give this day and this week into your hands.  Be with us in all that we will do and say.  May we enjoy this week and learn and grow in it.  Hear us, God, as we prayer our silent prayers of petition:


O God, give us grace to work for those things that we have prayed for, and in the purpose of your love, answer our prayers and fulfill our hopes, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

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