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Thank you Day of Discipleship Volunteers!

Sarah Johnson

On behalf of the Deacons, THANK YOU for giving so generously of your time and talents on Saturday. It was wonderful to see so many members of the Brick family - and guests - show up to serve our partners in the community! Whether you were on site in Watson Hall or ventured to one of our offsite locations, we hope you found the morning to be enjoyable and rewarding.

 Our gratitude also extends to the Men’s Association for preparing such a delicious breakfast, allowing us to gather in fellowship before our morning of service.

With your help, we were able to accomplish the following:

  • Made 280 sandwiches at New York Common Pantry, helping clients order food from the pantry, and bagging thousands of pounds of produce

  • Sorted and packed 12,000 pounds of produce at Grassroots Grocery and delivered it to their community partners

  • Assisted Little Sisters of the Assumption with a mailing, thank you notes, and phone calls to donors

  • Painted, cleaned and organized at Church of the Living Hope

  • Sorted and bagged fresh fruits and vegetables at Urban Outreach Center to serve their clients at their weekly “farmers markets”

  • Assembled 50 children’s activity packages for families served by the Interfaith Prison Partnership

  • Made 50 hot meals to deliver to clients of Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter

  • Made 50 sandwiches to deliver to the Grassroots Grocery community fridge

  • Made 150 bagged lunches and 100 toiletry kits for clients of New York Common Pantry

  • Made 50 cat toys for clients of Search and Care

One of our site leaders shared the following devotional, which seems particularly applicable to Saturday!

Volunteering is a humble act that carries profound impact. In giving our time and effort selflessly, we discover the true essence of compassion and generosity. Let us embrace the joy of serving others, for in doing so, we uplift not only those in need but also our own spirits.


Please enjoy these photos of the day!

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